

Beside our high quality products, CLN Racking also offers an excellent range of services. You can discover the different services using these links.

CLN Racking does not only want to be your preferred partner for the supply of storage systems. We also believe service to be of paramount importance and can assist you in all phases of the development of your warehouse solution.

From the advice in choosing the type of storage system(s), across the assembly of the delivered products, until the inspection of the installed solution. Beside these we also offer product development, not only for tailor-made products, but also for tailor-made service. We want to achieve the best possible solution for your warehouse together with you.

These services are inextricably linked to the storage systems we offer. The optimization of your warehouse design starts with the correct choice of storage system. You can choose between the different types of systems yourself or you can contact us for free advice.

For the choice of storage system, please refer to our page with an overview of the warehouse solutions we offer.

Get free advice
  • Advies

    From A to Z you can count on our expertise. We can assist you in all aspects of your warehouse solution.

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  • Inspectie

    Frequent inspections of your storage system(s) contribute to a guaranteed quality and safety.

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  • Montage

    We will not abandon you after the delivery of your material. Every project includes the assembly of the ordered material executed by a specialized team.

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  • Productont wikkeling
    Product development

    Do you have very specific needs that cannot be fulfilled by any standard storage solution? Allow us to create a tailor-made solution for you.

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Designing your warehouse as efficient as possible, this sounds quite straightforward. But is it?

To maximize the potential of your warehouse it is imperative to choose the correct type of storage system. Will you go for pallet racks, a shelving system, mezzanines, a combination of the previous or something entirely different? You can only answer this question after a thorough examination of your warehouse and business needs.

Which goods will your store? How do these goods enter and leave the warehouse? Which are the processes and movements they face inside the building? How can the storage solution adapt itself to your goods? How can the building adapt to this storage solution and vice versa? A great deal of questions that CLN Racking will gladly assist you on solving.

CLN Racking can also advise you about the mobile equipment used in the warehouse environment, personnel safety, designing an efficient process floor and many more things.



Your warehouse has now been utilized in the most optimal way and every corner of the building has been fitted with a storage system, great! Finally you can focus on developing your business.

Do you ever think about the maintenance of the racks, shelving and/or other systems that are used on a daily basis in your company? Every material has natural deterioration by external factors, not to mention damages that can occur during the use.

The safety of the user of the system depends on the quality of the material he or she uses. To guarantee this quality frequent inspections of the material and system are in order.

CLN Racking can supply these inspections, so you can focus on your internal business after all.



The purchase of a product included the assembly of said product. This nice sentence seems to include all there is to assembling your purchased system. But with CLN Racking we would like to offer you a more meaningful promise.

Our professional assembly teams are each specialized in one or multiple storage systems. Each team has their own expertise and strengths, which CLN Racking gladly uses in your benefit. As a baseline each team is equipped with a team leader that supervises the correct assembly, smooth timeline, smart use of the available space and all safety regulations.

On top of this, a technical responsible, who has designed your warehouse solution, will be in constant communication with the team leader. Not only to optimize the assembly itself, but also to maintain contact with the customer. This means you will have a fully knowledgeable and fixed point of contact for all enquiries regarding the assembly of your storage system(s).

Productont wikkeling

Product development

The saying goes; there is a lid for every pot, but what if your lid hasn’t been created yet? In this case CLN racking can supply you with a tailor-made solution. Starting from a small custom accessory, up to fully adapted storage solutions.

From a terminology standpoint product development seems to focus on the design of products. We can assure you this is not the case with CLN Racking, as we can also provide you with ‘service development’. This means we can adapt our services to a tailor-made solution based on your business needs.

It would be impossible to summarize everything that we could mean for your business under this category. This is why we encourage you to contact us about your project. Warehouse solutions should adapt to your needs and not the other way around. Together we can create a solution that makes your warehouse as efficient as possible.


Get free advice from our professionals about the products and services that could be interesting for your company.

Get free advice 00 32 472 062 434