Warehouse solutions


Warehouse solutions can be widely described and storage systems exist in all shapes and sizes, including pallet racking, shelving systems, mezzanines, stacking racks and other systems. Always keep your final objective in mind when deciding on the type of storage system for your warehouse solutions. Are you going for optimizing the processes in your warehouse, maximizing the storage capacity, an ergonomic working environment, streamlining your personnel productivity, etc.

Below you can find an overview of the storage systems we offer with a small description of each system.

Pallet racking

Pallet racking

Pallet racking contains all storage systems that are primarily used for the storage of pallets, big bags, containers and the likes. Each offered product has its own field of application and benefits. Discover what each storage system can mean for your warehouse using the web links below.

gaasborden pallet magazijn

Pallet racking

Pallet racking is a storage system adaptable to your specific needs due to their flexibility.

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pallet racking drive-in

Drive-in racking

Optimally utilizing your available storage space with drive-in or drive-through racking.

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Flow track rolbaan

Live storage racking

Live storage racking is both space and time efficient due to the automatic movement of your stored goods.

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Automatisatie magazijn automation warehouse

Pallet shuttle

Pallet shuttle systems are an efficient storage system providing automated movement of your stored goods in both FIFO and LIFO applications.

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Racking placement

Pushback racking

The benefits of automatic movement of your stored goods, for LIFO applications, through an inventive pushback system.

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Mobiele pallet stelling

Mobile racking

Saving space by reducing the number of driving aisles and retaining all the advantages of pallet racking.

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Shelving systems

Shelving systems

Shelving systems contain all storage systems that are primarily used for the storage of separate goods, boxes, piece bags, etc. Each offered product has its own field of application and benefits. Discover what each storage system can mean for your warehouse using the web links below.

Longspan storage boxes

Long span shelving

Flexible system designed for the storage of medium heavy goods that need to be picked by hand.

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Multi tier shelving assembly

Multi tier shelving

Utilizing the full available height of your warehouse with this cost efficient solution that furnishes shelving systems with mezzanine(s).

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Legborden shelving

Light shelving

Storing light weight goods with a wide range of dividing and compartmentalizing accessories.

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Live storage boxes warehouse

Live storage shelving

Live storage shelving is both space and time efficient due to the automatic movement of your stored goods.

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Mezzanine, also known as balcony or entresol, describes a product that enlarges the available working space in your warehouse. Discover what mezzanines can mean for your warehouse using the web link below.

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Stacking racks

Stacking racks

A modular system which is primarily used for the storage of goods that do not fit within the conventional storage systems. At the same time stacking racks are also popular for temporary storage. These racks are an ideal solution for a warehouse with ever-changing needs or with the need for flexible use of the available space. Discover what stacking racks can mean for your warehouse using the web link below.

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Mezzanine, also known as balcony or entresol, describes a product that enlarges the available working space in your warehouse. Discover what mezzanines can mean for your warehouse using the web link below.

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Stacking racks

A modular system which is primarily used for the storage of goods that do not fit within the conventional storage systems. At the same time stacking racks are also popular for temporary storage. These racks are an ideal solution for a warehouse with ever-changing needs or with the need for flexible use of the available space. Discover what stacking racks can mean for your warehouse using the web link below.

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Other systems

Other systems

Other systems contain all storage systems which are not unambiguously accommodated in the other categories. Discover what these storage systems can mean for your warehouse using the web link(s) below.

Draagramstelling buiten dak

Cantilever racking

Cantilever racking offers great flexibility for storing goods with excessive dimensions. They are ideal for the storage of long goods.

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When designing a warehouse solution you prefer to maximize the available space in your warehouse. In order to achieve this you need to make the correct choices in terms of storage system(s) to purchase. Will you go for pallet racking, shelving systems, mezzanines, a combination of the previous or a completely different solution?

This question can only be answered correctly by investigating the needs of your warehouse and company. CLN Racking will gladly assist you in analyzing your business needs.

Read more about advice


We will not abandon you after the delivery of the ordered material. Every purchase contains the assembly of your material performed by a specialized team. Your pallet racking, shelving system, mezzanine and other systems are delivered ready to use.

On top of this, a technical responsible, who has designed your warehouse solution, will be in constant communication with the team leader. Not only to optimize the assembly itself, but also to maintain contact with the customer. This means you will have a fully knowledgeable and fixed point of contact for all enquiries regarding the assembly of your storage system(s).

Read more about assembly


Would you like to receive more information about one or several of our products? Or maybe you are not quite sure yet about the type of storage solution that works best for your warehouse? We will gladly assist you with any questions.

Get free advice 00 32 472 062 434